大黄猫:All in Hatsugai-Kohmoto model: 凝聚态研究者的新玩具275 赞同 · 7 评论文章 既然模型描述的是全同的电子,那么该相互作用实际上也是满足偶极守恒,只不过这个偶极守恒对任意距离的电子相互作用都要成立.同时,电子自身的单粒子跃迁部分破坏质心守恒,所以我们会说HK模型实际上存在质心守恒破缺.但是破缺质心守恒...
Motivated by the non-Fermi liquid (NFL) phase in solvable Hatsugai–Kohmoto (HK) model and ubiquitous quantum oscillation (QO) phenomena observed in strongly correlated electron systems, we have studied the QO in HK model in terms of a combination of analytical and numerical calculation. In ...
Understanding how electrons form pairs in the presence of strong electron correlations demands going beyond the BCS paradigm.We study a correlated superconducting model where the correlation effects are accounted for by a U term local in momentum space.The electron correlation is treated exactly while...