埃及第一位女法老——..哈特谢普苏特(Hatshepsut)是法老图特摩斯二世的妻子,也是埃及第十八王朝的第五位法老,时间跨度从公元前 1479 年到公元前 1458 年。Seated Statue of Hatshepsu
埃及第一位女法老——..哈特谢普苏特(Hatshepsut)是法老图特摩斯二世的妻子,也是埃及第十八王朝的第五位法老,时间跨度从公元前 1479 年到公元前 1458 年。Seated Statue of Hatshepsu
作为整个法老时代(Pharaonic period, 32nd century BC - 332 BC)最强大的时期,埃及帝国(Egyptian Empire, c. 1550-1077 BC)第18王朝(c. 1550-1292 BC)出了一位古埃及历史上最强大的女法老:哈特谢普苏(Hatshepsut, c. 1507-1458 BC)。 哈特谢普苏坐像(Seated Statue of Hatshepsut)局部,通高213cm,石灰岩...
This statue of Hatshepsut is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Trade Networks Hatshepsut established trade networks that helped build the wealth of the Eighteenth Dynasty. This included a successful mission to the Land of Punt in the ninth year of her reign, which ...
TPO75 Lecture1 The Statue of Hatshepsut, 视频播放量 11、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 FrostwingOwl, 作者简介 ,相关视频:TPO75 C1 Community Achievement Award,前外半圆 Forward Edges,托福变强的唯一方式:狠!,初次相遇
In every statue, Hatshepsut is portrayed with the symbols of a pharaoh – crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, protective cobra (uraeus) on her forehead, false beard on her chin, striped nemes or soft khat headdress, male kilt, her skin painted red. ...
Statue of Hatshepsut. This statue of Hatshepsut is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Trade Networks Hatshepsut established trade networks that helped build the wealth of the Eighteenth Dynasty. This included a successful mission to the Land of Punt in the ninth year of...
More importantly, this statue is the first structure in art that depicts a woman leader. Not only is it a truly unique piece of work, but also it is a piece that is revolutionary for its time. The massive size of this statue leaves one wondering if women have always been just as ...
Essay about Statue of Hatshepsut Seated Hatshepsut was born around 15th century B.C., she is the daughter of Tuthmose the first and his wife, Aahmes. When king Tuthmose I died, queen Aahmes married her half-brother, King Tuthmose II. King Tuthmose II died after a short rule and ...
what I'm going to show you is this amazing statue of queen Hatshepsut.As we'll see later, Hatshepsut was one of a series of powerful pharaohs who brought Egypt in contact with other parts of the middle East and Africa, and who helped make this new kingdom, a period in which the Egyp...