Make sure to forward the right ports on the hosting machine. Run the server and setup the client. Setting up Server as Docker Container: If you want to run the server as a docker container you'll need to use the image aeonlucid/impostor:nightly (Currently only the 'nightly' tag is star...
Any Player Can Stop The Start: If turned off, only the host can stop the game start. If on, all players can do it. Non-hosts stopping the start will send a chat message indicating who stopped it. Number of Crewmates: The number of Crewmate roles can be set inside a lobby. Fill ...
Any Player Can Stop The Start: If turned off, only the host can stop the game start. If on, all players can do it. Non-hosts stopping the start will send a chat message indicating who stopped it. Number of Crewmates: The number of Crewmate roles can be set inside a lobby. Fill ...
Any Player Can Stop The Start: If turned off, only the host can stop the game start. If on, all players can do it. Non-hosts stopping the start will send a chat message indicating who stopped it. Number of Crewmates: The number of Crewmate roles can be set inside a lobby. Fill ...