读音:英[heɪt spiːtʃ] 美[heɪt spiːtʃ] hate speech 基本解释 动机出于偏见、指向个人或人群的毁损贬抑言论、攻击性言论 重点词汇 hatevt. 仇恨,憎恨;厌恶;对…感到不喜欢或讨厌 vi. 恨 n. 强烈的仇恨或厌恶,恨;仇恨或讨厌的对象 ...
这类言论,在欧美称为仇恨语言(hate speech)或种族主义诽谤(racist slur)。国际法以及各国,绝不会轻松地把它当做品 … blog.bcchinese.net|基于27个网页 3. 仇恨性言论 即使是带有挑衅性与侮辱性的所谓「仇恨性言论」(hate speech),也不可立法杜绝,而应该让它在言论自由的自由市场(fre… ...
hate speech英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供hate speech的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
What is the basis of this universe in which everything seems unhinged: identity, behaviour, time, and especially the language, made up of archaic and invented words, of an erratic speech? According to the hypothesis formulated to answer these questions, these disturbances are the signs of an ...
科普“仇恨言论”(Hate Speech)【双语短片】逻辑思辨:什么是“仇恨0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳内蒙老牧民活捉一母狼,公狼视死如归屡次营救,最终感动老牧民 航长探索界 193跟贴 打开APP 娶回家贼好玩的女生,好看的皮囊,终究抵不过有趣的灵魂 老雷搞笑配音 527跟贴 打开APP 东风41你不知道的发射秘密,背后还有...
Free Essay: Imagine being attacked and harassed by hate speech and then noticing how others claim that more hate speech is actually good. Would you be...
hate speech 动机出于偏见、指向个人或人群的毁损贬抑言论、攻击性言论 hate crimes 攻击性犯罪 hate the sight of 讨厌看到,不愿见到… hate to part with sth 不肯放弃某物 look at sb with hate 用憎恨的眼光看着,仇视… love hate relationship n. 爱恨交加的关系 feel hate towards 对…感到憎恨,...
naz p - Hate Speech
E-SWERVE - Hate speech (Explicit)