JK Rowling has spoken out against the new hate crime laws and was also avocal critic of Scotland's gender recognition bill, which aimed to make it easier for people to legally change their gender but wasblocked by Westminster. The Harry Potter author, who has lived in Scotland...
Hate crime bill dies: House committee puts proposal on indefinite holdSAM TRANUM
网络煽动仇恨罪议案;仇恨犯罪条例草案 网络释义
Northern Ireland could jump from being a laggard to having the most progressive hate crime laws in the UK, if recommendations from an independent review are accepted in the form of a proposed Hate Crime and Public Order (Northern Ireland) Bill. However, moves to bring forward the recommendations...
“The FBI has stated that hate crimes against LGBTQ people are on the rise and if we can’t count on our representatives to pass a hate crime bill that actually includes one of the communities most impacted by hate-motivated crimes, then what’s the point of this bill?” said ...
The legislation is named after Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy beaten and killed by two white men in Mississippi in 1955. The Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent on March 7, one month after the House passed it. The law designates lynching as a hate crime punishable...
The Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent on March 7, one month after the House passed it. The law designates lynching as a hate crime punishable by up to 30 years in prison. Tuskegee University, which tracks the history of lynchings, estimates more than 4,700 people were lynched ...
- Florida's hate crime law could be expanded to create enhanced penalties for people who commit offenses against someone based on their gender or gender identity under a bill approved by a Senate committee Tuesday. The Senate Criminal Justice Committee voted 5-2 for the legislation, which...
The bill includes homophobic and transphobici hate crime. www.equalityhumanrights.com The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) distinguishes between a hate incident and a hate crime. A hate incident is: n 'Any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person,...
"It could be sexual orientation, it could be nationality, it could be race, and that's what puts it in a category of a possible hate crime," explained Becton. On Tuesday someone painted "White Lives Matter" along a Martinez road, which city crews were quick to cover up. Bec...