With a significantly shorter lifespan than the other aquarium hobby hatchetfish, Marbled Hatchetfish need diligent care so that they can have the best quality of life possible. Marbled Hatchetfish are in danger of contracting the same diseases as other aquarium fish, such asichand other parasitic in...
The Hatchetfish is an interesting species if just for its unique body shape. Its form comes into play with its behavior and habitat usage. It’s a popular aquarium fish because of these traits, its ease of care, and affordability. Its color is another factor. A school of these silver, al...
The midwater region of the ocean houses the largest ecosystem on Earth. This region, which forms the link between the ocean surface and the bottom, is enormous — with depths ranging from 200 to 11,000 meters. Many of the inhabitants of this vast area have evolved peculiar abilities and fe...