>>>...Hatch has no area untill clicked...<<<>>>...the hatches are generated by the program FME...<<<You may have answered your own question. If I use HATCH command to create hatches in your file I see no issues at all.What does ABOUT command list as your AutoCAD version? Post...
The hatching shows with no errors.--- Upon further looking at the Hatched blocks. The hatching is one big overlay of the city. If you do a Block Edit In Place, you will see this (see XR F – TEST 2). Even the hatching in the columns are showing the entire city area. Also, if...
This option is available only when a boundary has been defined. Select Boundary Objects Selects the objects that form the boundaries of the selected associative hatch object. Use the displayed grips to modify the hatch boundaries. Note: This option is available only in the Hatch Edit dialog ...
See: How to repair corrupt AutoCAD files. Replace or block hatch areas that have been exploded. Check for large coordinates in the drawing. Freeze or turn off any Xrefs that overlap the area to be hatched. Freeze or turn off any complex geometry, such as furniture or complex ...
0 = Hatch “odd parity” area (Normal style) 1 = Hatch outermost area only (Outer style) 2 = Hatch through entire area (Ignore style) 76 Hatch pattern type: 0 = User-defined 1 = Predefined 2 = Custom 52 Hatch pattern angle (pattern fill only) ...
问题: 想将复杂的填充区域分割为两个具有不同填充的区域。如何完成此操作? 原因: 1. 删除现有图案填充 2. 选择要拆分的区域,单击鼠标右键,然后选择“隔离对象”>“隔离对象” 3. 将不同的图案填充应用于两个区域 4
在AutoCAD中选择要填充的区域时,不会为要填充的区域显示快速预览。 解决方案:确认以下系统变量已启用:HPQUICKPREVIEW系统变量。在AutoCAD的命令提示下键入HPQUICKPREVIEW,并将值设置为<ON>(默认值)或1。FILLMODE系统变量。在AutoCAD的命令提示下键入FILLMODE,并将值设置为<1>(默认值)...
このページは英語から機械翻訳されたものです。AutoCADで複雑な領域のハッチングを分割する方法Autodesk Support 2023年10月8日対象となる製品とバージョン問題:複雑なハッチング領域を、異なるハッチングを使用して2つの領域に分割する場合。どのようにこれを行うことができま...
The default value, 0, specifies that the objects must enclose the area with no gaps. Enter a value, in drawing units, from 0 to 5000 to set the maximum size of gaps that can be ignored when the objects serve as a hatch boundary. Any gaps equal to or smaller than the value you ...
in most cases the border intersects itself, has double vertices or segments. You might try to create a new border using command _BOUNDARY and see if that gives you valid results. If not please upload the dwg-file with just one "incorrect" polyline (so we don't need to find the one yo...