Hello, I am using AutoCAD 2024. Pre-loaded hatch patterns are not showing up when I try to assign a hatch pattern. In the Hatch Editor panel, in the
smaller box has to be hatched in the drawing. i have green and yellow boxes to hatch. i also have a block with reference material in it. the boxes noting layers are also black. when i go into block editor, they show the correct colors. here is a link if you would like to vi...
acedManageHatchEditorReactor Function C++ Acad::ErrorStatusacedManageHatchEditorReactor(AcDbObjectIdhatchId,AcHatchEdReactaction,AcDbObjectIdboundaryId=AcDbObjectId::kNull,AcHatchNotifiernotifyType=kNobody,booltransformed=false); File aced.h Description This function is used...
You can open, save-as, edit, save, etc. the .pat files as desired using notepad (or other text editor) You may need to run it as admin. As a side-note, you can change linetype and other "definition" files in the same fashion. Reply Report 0 Post Reply Back...
Simply changing the hatch color in the hatch editor works, but I'd like to keep the hatchings organized by layer for future usage and groupings. Can anyone help me out? Reply Report Reply 6,838 Views 4 Replies Replies (4) ToanDN 08-27-2015 10:49 AM Look at the Prop...