Caret version operator, opposite of tilde %elif, %elifos and %elifarch statements Optional automatic patch and source numbering %autopatch now accepts patch ranges %patchlist and %sourcelist sections Enforced UTF-8 validation of header data at build-time The rpm database is now based on...
英文中念作y hat,在统计学和计量经济学中均是如此。因为类似的统计符号来自西方,中文没有统一的翻译...
Caret version operator, opposite of tilde %elif, %elifos and %elifarch statements Optional automatic patch and source numbering %autopatch now accepts patch ranges %patchlist and %sourcelist sections Enforced UTF-8 validation of header data at build-time The rpm database is now based on...
Next NAME \hat- Used to draw hat accent. SYNOPSIS Explore ourlatest online coursesand learn new skills at your own pace. Enroll and become a certified expert to boost your career. DESCRIPTION \hat command draws hat accent over the argument. ...
应该读成y tilde 分析总结。 数学符号中y上加一个读ybary上加一个读yhat那么y上加一个读什么结果一 题目 数学符号中,y上加一个~读什么?数学符号中,y上加一个- 读y bar,y上加一个^ 读y hat,那么y上加一个~读什么?别告诉我读“y弯弯”或者什么的,我想知道英文表述 答案 应该读成y tilde相关推...
s sample font were probably the first ones who split glyphs of the two letters (providing Oe with a horizontal bar and Fita with a tilde-shaped bar inside). In traditional typography, the shape of the inner line depends on typeface, not on meaning of the letter: the bar in both oe ...
CheckerHatMacromedia Fontographer 4.1.4 9/2/97字形图前往字体下载页面 该字体一共有100个字形图,免费字体网仅展示前 200 个简单字形图 拖动滑块调整大小 : 0.notdef 1.null 2CR 3space 4!exclam 5"quotedbl 6$dollar 7%percent 8&ersand 9'quotesingle ...
When posting on an article's Talk page you should add four tilde symbols or ~~~ onto the end. This will add a signature and timestamp to your comment so others can easily tell who posted it. Any new sections on an article's Talk page should be added to the bottom of the page and...
Show that the estimator, tilde over theta = E open parenthesis h Let f(x; theta) = (1/theta)x^(1 - theta)/theta, 0 less than x less than 1, 0 less than theta less than infinity. (a) Show that the maximum likelihood es...