Twitter Google Share on Facebook hastingsite [′hās·tiŋ‚zīt] (mineralogy) NaCa2(Fe,Mg)5Al2Si6O22(OH)2A mineral of the amphibole group crystallizing in the monoclinic system and composed chiefly of sodium, calcium, and iron, but usually with some potassium and magnesium. ...
+ 添加翻译 意大利文-英文字典 hastingsite noun amphibole, double chain inosilicate mineral wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ hastingsite "自动翻译成 英文 hastingsite Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 类似于 "hastingsite" 的短语,可翻译成 英文 oxo-magnesio-hastingsite oxo-...
Oxo-magnesio-hastingsite, ideally NaCa_2(Mg_2Fe_3~(3+))(Al_2Si_6)O_(22)O_2, is a new anhydrous amphibole from the Deeti volcanic cone in the Gregory rift (northern Tanzania). The mineral occurs as megacrysts up to 12 cm in size in crystal-rich tuff. Oxo-magnesio-hastingsite ...
New mineralAmphibole supergroupInner MongoliaChinaPotassic-hastingsite (IMA2018–160), ideally KCa2(Fe2+4Fe3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2,was discovered in Danailingou, Inner Mongolia, China. Potassic-hastingsite is black to dark green with a vitreous luster, brittle with conchoidal fracture. The {...
It is suggested that the mineral is of primary origin and precipitated early from a hydrous gabbroic anorthosite magma that gave rise to the anorthositic suite of rocks of the area.doi:10.1007/BF03045696P. Narasimha RaoSpringer IndiaProceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B...
Amphibole crystallization in the Etnean feeding system: mineral chemistry and trace element partitioning between Mg- hastingsite and alkali basaltic melt. European Journal of Mineralogy 19, 499-511.Viccaro M, Ferlito C, Cristofolini R (2007) Amphibole crystallization in the Etnean feeding system: ...
The salt-hydrate melt crystallized to clinoatacamite, whereas the only mineral crystallizing from the silicate melt was hydroxylapatite. The two observed silicate melts are of trachyandesitic-tephriphonolitic and foiditic composition, clearly different from the trachybasaltic host-magma. Exsolution of...