首先,使用以下命令列出已安装的Haskell包:stack list dependencies 找到要卸载的包的名称,并记下其版本号。 使用以下命令卸载指定的Haskell包:stack uninstall <package-name> --version <package-version> 其中,<package-name>是要卸载的包的名称,<package-version>是要卸载的包的版本号。 确认卸载操作后,堆栈将...
我还安装了Stack,并希望临时卸载它,以确保我可以在Windows10上的VSCode中记录和解释Stack与Haskell的使用。堆栈的命令help声明不推荐使用stack uninstall命令。 Q1:我需要这样做吗?堆栈是否与VSCode Haskell扩展包一起自动安装?我的调查并没有说明这一点。 Q2。卸载堆栈(只是暂时的!)我喜欢!)这是怎么做的?有新命令...
https://wiki.haskell.org/Cabal-Install(cabal的介绍) cabal没有uninstall,如果一个包版本不对,可以使用 cabal install --reinstall package_name进行重装。 19/12/2019更新,由于评论区有大佬提醒可以用stack,我就去搜寻了一些资料,对比cabal的最开始可能会复杂一些,不过如果有感兴趣的朋友,也可以去尝试着安装一下。
Ok, so did a full uninstall (of "Haskell Stack" under Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features), then reinstalled stack installer; and this time I started with: $ /c/HaskellStack/stack.exe --stack-root The option `--stack-root` expects an argument. $ /...
Uninstall Haskell.ps1 $decision=$Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Uninstall Haskell' ,'Do you want to uninstall all of the haskell toolchain, including GHC, Cabal, Stack and GHCup itself?' , [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@('&Uninstall'...
cabal helpshows thers isnot "uninstall" option. then what's the best way to uninstall the packages installed by cabal ? % cabal update % cabal install mighttpd2 mighttpd2 is installed successfully. However the ghc-pkg cannot find & unregister it: ...
安装成功后,环境就配置好了。可以打开cmd,输入stack查看是否存在此命令,如果存在,即说明正确配置,环境变量也... SublimeHaskell安装后即可。 具体操作为:1.Ctrl + Shift + P ,输入 Package Install2.等待获取Package信息,稍等片刻后就弹出来所有的Packages了...
> http-conduit and its dependencies moved from haskell-happstack to > haskell-core and at that time the package release number reset to one. You > have to manually uninstall and reinstall those packages. > > Nicola > > > On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 11:49 PM, Michael Katelman <katel....
To install haskell, first need to checkdocumentation. As it says, minimal installation includesghc,cabal&stack. It also seems that stack & cabal are equal. And in some circumstancescabalis better than stack, so we choose cabal. Directly install ghc from source takes time.. The prerequisites su...
A stack is needed, so that an inner level may temporarily override the handler for a particular error type... The condition system is the clean, general solution to this problem. It automatically scopes handlers to their dynamic extent, and manages the handler stack automatically. In other ...