Here’s how to get a hashtag on both a US and UK Mac keyboard. 1. OnUS Apple keyboards, hold down theShiftkey and press thenumber 3 key. You’ll see the hash symbol above the number 3 key on your keyboard. 2. If you’re using aUK or European Apple keyboard, hold down theAltkey...
Hashtag Ahashtagis the # symbol on the keyboard when it is placed before a keyword or phrase (without spaces) to identify the topics of a message or posting.Hashtagalso refers to the # symbol together with the word or phrase after it.Hashtagsare used on social media sites such as Twitt...
Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. (British English alsohash,hash sign) (North American English alsopound sign) the symbol ( # ), especially one on a phone or computer keyboard ...
Let’s not mess around. To type a hashtag on a Mac keyboard with a U.K. layout, pressOption + 3. On modern editions of this keyboard layout, you’ll see the # symbol on the 3 key, but instead of appearing above the 3, which would tell you to press the Shift key, it’s tuck...
What is a hashtag? It is a symbol on the keyboard known as the pound, also called an octothorpe and it was initially used to mark numbers. Using hashtags is a way to aggregate social media content to a specific topic, event, theme, or conversation. When we use hashtags, it will be ...
However, simply hitting 3 won’t produce a hash symbol. So how to do hashtag on MacBook? If you have a UK-based keyboard layout, to type a hashtag symbol, use Option + 3. For the US-based layout, it’s Shift + 3 instead. ...
"you blow it up and suddenly it becomes quite a powerful symbol." the book covers everything from the period to the slash to something called an interrobang. if you, like us, have never heard of the interrobang, read on—below, we've featured a few choice histories taken from the ...
The use of the hashtag symbol in telecommunications stems from the early 1960s when laboratories needed a key on the telephone keypad to enable telephones to communicate with computers. The termoctothorpewas reportedly invented by engineers at Bell Labs in the USA. This term was used in preferenc...
All hash tags begin with a hash character, which is the symbol (#) above the 3 on U.S. keyboards.Tip See our octothorpe key page for full information on the key and its location on the keyboard.Note Hashtag was featured as a top term of 2009....
Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app (British English also hash, hash sign) (North American English also pound sign) the symbol ( # ), especially one on a phone or computer keyboard Check pronunciation: hashtag...