This "Chalkboard Wedding Hashtag Sign" print works great for framing or hanging as wall art. Our high quality inks ensure vibrant colors, deep blacks, and bright whites. It will look great as a high quality poster print or wrapped canvas. "If you use social media please use hashtag:" ...
Create your Wedding Hashtag Sign for an Instagrammable wedding Make sure friends & family take photos with your #weddinghashtag! Your Perfect Instagram Wedding: Social wedding guide Become a Social Wedding Expert Free to use Learn from our experts...
Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app (British English also hash, hash sign) (North American English also pound sign) the symbol ( # ), especially one on a phone or computer keyboard Check pronunciation: hashtag...
Definitions on the go Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. (British English alsohash,hash sign) (North American English alsopound sign) the symbol ( # ), especially one on a phone or computer keyboard ...
#”也被叫做number sign, octothorp或是 pound sign。Hastag中的hash可能来自于hatch(划线),指的是该符号的交叉形状。而tag则是说明这个符号用于指示或标记信息技术中的数据。尽管OED在2014年才收录,hashtag在现代文化中已有很大的影响力,例如网络热传的#TheDress (裙子到底是蓝黑相间还是金白相间)。由于社交媒体在...
Luminous pop art style hashtag sign. High definition 3d rendering.,站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画、矢量、视频、音乐素材、字体等,已先后为阿里巴巴、京东、亚马逊、小米、联想、奥美、盛世长城、百度、360、招商银
Topic tag:这也是指社交媒体上用于标识和分类内容的话题标签。 Hash mark:虽然这个表达更偏向于技术层面,但在某些上下文中也可以用来指话题标签。 Pound sign tag:在社交媒体语境中,特别是在提及推特Twitter时,有时会使用“pound sign”(井号)来指代话题标签前的符号“#”,因此“...
井号(#)也可以用于数字前,称为数字符号(number sign或octothorp),而hashtag一词中的hash可能源自单词hatch,描述练字时交错的十字格子。而tag指用以标注的符号,或信息技术中原数据的标识符。 尽管hashtag一词在OED中的记录仅仅在十年前,但“话题标签”在现代文化中已经产生很大影响力,从病毒式传播的#TheDress,看看...
Hash mark:虽然这个表达更偏向于技术层面,但在某些上下文中也可以用来指话题标签。 Pound sign tag:在社交媒体语境中,特别是在提及推特Twitter时,有时会使用“pound sign”(井号)来指代话题标签前的符号“#”,因此“pound sign tag”也可用来表示话题标签。不过,这种用法较为非正式。