Return all the values in a map:import java.util.HashMap; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { HashMap<String, String> capitalCities = new HashMap<String, String>(); capitalCities.put("England", "London"); capitalCities.put("Germany", "Berlin"); capitalCities....
如果你只想获取 key,可以使用 keySet() 方法,然后可以通过 get(key) 获取对应的 value,如果你只想获取 value,可以使用 values() 方法。 实例 // 引入 HashMap 类 importjava.util.HashMap; publicclassRunoobTest{ publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){ // 创建 HashMap 对象 Sites HashMap<Integer, String>...
> Currently we keep null key and values in hashmap > without any issues as HashMap allows them. > > But ConcurrentHashMap does not allow any null key and > values . > Try to take Holger's advice. As mostly an aside though... The main reason that nulls aren't allowed in Concurrent...
前两篇对HashMap这家伙的主要方法,主要算法做了一个详细的介绍,本篇主要介绍HashMap中默默无闻地工作着的集合们,包括KeySet,values,EntrySet,以及对应的迭代器:HashIterator,KeyIterator,ValueIterator,EntryIterator和 fast-fail 机制。会介绍三个集合的作用以及它们中隐藏的惊人秘密。
As of Java 8 (seeJEP 180), the data structure in which the values inside one bucket are stored is changed from a list to a balanced tree if a bucket contains 8 or more values, and it’s changed back to a list if, at some point, only 6 values are left in the bucket. This impr...
所有的 values 其实都存储在 AbstractMap 中,而 Values 类其实也是实现了 Map 中的 Values 接口,看一下对 values 的操作都有哪些方法 其实是和 key 的操作差不多 EntrySet 内部类 上面提到了HashMap中分别有对 key、value 进行操作的,其实还有对 key-value 键值对进行操作的内部类,它就是 EntrySet,来看一...
在Java语言中,给ConcurrentHashMap和Hashtable这些线程安全的集合中的Key或者Value插入 null(空) 值的会报空指针异常,但是单线程操作的HashMap又允许 Key 或者 Value 插入 null(空) 值。这到底是为什么呢? 1、探寻源码 为了找到原因,我们先来看这样一段源码片段,打开ConcurrentHashMap的putVal()方法,源码中第一句就...
It is very difficult to check for null keys and values in my entire application . Would it be easier to declare somewhere static final Object NULL = new Object(); and replace all use of nulls in uses of maps with NULL? -Doug