template<classKey,classValue,classHashFunc,classEqualKey>voidHashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::rehash() {intpastsize =capacity;//create a new array to copy the information in the old tablecapacity =hml.find_NextPrimeNumber(capacity); KeyNode<Key,Value>* tmp =newKeyNode<Key,Value>[...
template<classKey,classValue,classHashFunc,classEqualKey>voidHashMap<Key, Value, HashFunc, EqualKey>::rehash() {intpastsize =capacity;//create a new array to copy the information in the old tablecapacity =hml.find_NextPrimeNumber(capacity); KeyNode<Key,Value>* tmp =newKeyNode<Key,Value>[...
/**对应HashMap(int initialCapacity)第一次put操作初始化的时候调用**/ else if (oldThr > 0) // initial capacity was placed in threshold newCap = oldThr; /**对应HashMap()第一次put操作初始化的时候调用**/ else { // zero initial threshold signifies using defaults newCap = DEFAULT_INITIAL_C...
更改main.cpp中student_main()调用函数的参数. intstudent_main(){cout<<"This is student main. You can try using HashMap as a client by editing the code here!"<<endl;HashMap<string,int>map;init_map(map);std::set<string>keys=find_keys(map);cout<<"Find the difference in time between t...
Insert an item with a value constructed in-place to avoid unnecessary copying by using theemplace()function: 复制Source code (C++) // declare a named structurestructFoo { Foo(inta,intb) : a_(a), b_(b) {}inta_, b_; };// create an empty hash mapHashMap<String, Foo> hashMap;/...
datastructurescppgpucudahashmapcpp17hashsethashtable UpdatedJan 7, 2025 C++ 🌀 Ridiculously fast, fully asynchronous, sharded hashmap for Rust. rustasyncconcurrencytokiohashmapasync-rustconcurrent-hashmap UpdatedDec 5, 2024 Rust #️⃣ single header hashmap implementation for C and C++ ...
http://androidxref.com/4.4.4_r1/xref/bionic/linker/linker.cpp#702 static soinfo* load_library(const char* name) { // 打开So文件,拿到文件描述符fd int fd = open_library(name); if (fd == -1) { DL_ERR("library \"%s\" not found", name); ...
* main.cpp * * 2012-7-25 * Author: luxiaoxun */ #include "HashMap.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; //Hash function you provided must be correspond to the type of the Key class HashFunc { public: int cal_hash(const string &...
* main.cpp * * 2012-7-25 * Author: luxiaoxun */ #include "HashMap.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; //Hash function you provided must be correspond to the type of the Key class HashFunc { public: int cal_hash(const string &...