C++ STL中的`std::unordered_map`是一个使用哈希表(hash table)实现的关联容器,提供了快速的查找、插入和删除操作。在C++中,`std::unordered_map`的实现原理主要是基于哈希表,而哈希表本身是一种通过计算键的哈希值来快速定位存储位置的数据结构。 下面简要介绍一下`std::unordered_map`和哈希表的实现原理: ##...
1. 写一个最简单的HashMap 2. 扰动函数 3. 初始化容量和负载因子 4. 扩容元素拆分 四、HashMap...
这个思路来源于LSMTree(leveldb,rocksdb,HBase等等是这个的一种实现),只是将磁盘的文件的操作全部在内存当中来做罢了。 实际上这个方法也已经有了,在HBase 2.0当中已经引入了In Memory Compaction,通过内存的合并减少写放大,加快读。 一篇介绍的文章,有兴趣的话可以在后面在展开阅读以下: https://blogs.apache.org...
这个思路来源于LSMTree(leveldb,rocksdb,HBase等等是这个的一种实现),只是将磁盘的文件的操作全部在内存当中来做罢了。 实际上这个方法也已经有了,在HBase 2.0当中已经引入了In Memory Compaction,通过内存的合并减少写放大,加快读。 一篇介绍的文章,有兴趣的话可以在后面在展开阅读以下: https://blogs.apache.org...
Hi, I'm trying to loop over the elements in a hashmap of the STL-implementation by SGI. The point is, that because the key/value pair is stored as std::pair in the COntainer, the code becomes very ugly and unreadable soon. I'm aware that there exists th
The source is well documented and the implementation is decently readable -- much easier than an STL implementation. Caveats Array and Vector indices are 0-based,not1-based. Raw memory allocators are used, not the LuaJIT __new/__gc system, so you can only store simple data. In other wo...
Collections and data structures found in other languages: Java Collections, C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers, Qt Containers, Ruby Enumerable etc. Goals Fast algorithms: Based on decades of knowledge and experiences of other libraries mentioned above. Memory efficient algorithms: Avoiding to...
红黑树具有良好的效率,它可在近似O(logN) 时间复杂度下完成插入、删除、查找等操作,因此红黑树在业界也被广泛应用,比如 Java 中的 TreeMap,JDK 1.8 中的 HashMap、C++ STL 中的 map 均是基于红黑树结构实现的。 死记硬背,很难学会 红黑树的结构和设计都非常优秀,也同样在实现上有着复杂的处理逻辑,包括插入...
StringComparator) // ["a","b","c","d"] } Motivations Collections and data structures found in other languages: Java Collections, C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers, Qt Containers, etc. Goals Fast algorithms: Based on decades of knowledge and experiences of other libraries ...
Collections and data structures found in other languages: Java Collections, C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers, Qt Containers, Ruby Enumerable etc. Goals Fast algorithms: Based on decades of knowledge and experiences of other libraries mentioned above. Memory efficient algorithms: Avoiding to...