HashKey Capital, part of HashKey Group, is a blockchain investor and digital asset manager. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore HashKey Capital's full profile.
PANews 11月30日消息,HashKey Capital发布诈骗警报,称有诈骗者试图冒充HashKey Capital及其管理人员和代表,例如 HashKey Capital的首席执行官。这些冒名顶替者一直在Telegram和LinkedIn等社交媒体平台上创建虚假个人资料。他们通常通过提示用户安排会议来发起联系,然后提供可疑的会议链接,一旦单击该链接,就会自动将脚本下载到...
gumi Cryptos Capital董事总经理Rui Zhang表示:“我们很高兴能够支持Tassat的卓越团队,及其为金融机构提供区块链解决方案的务实做法。Tassat的支付和结算平台,在帮助银行的企业真正无摩擦地进行跨境支付,将发挥关键作用。” HashKey Capital首席执行官邓超表示:“我们很高兴能与Tassat合作,助其成为基于区块链的基础设施解决...
“Over the years, when hedge funds, quant funds, private equity firms and venture capital funds first came onto the scene, they naturally gravitated towards Hongkong Land’s buildings as being in the centre of the financial community in Hong Kong,” said Neil Anderson, Hongkong Land’s director...
撰文:郝凯, 就职于 HashKey Capital Research DFINITY 以互联网计算机为愿景,致力于为数百万开发者和创业者提供的公共计算平台。自 2021 年 5 月主网上线以来,DFINITY 的代币 ICP 的价格经历了大起大落。如下图所示,在主网上线时,ICP 价格一度超过 450 美元,进而出现大幅下跌,最大回撤幅度超过 90%。此后,IC...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...
PANews 11月30日消息,HashKey Capital发布诈骗警报,称有诈骗者试图冒充HashKey Capital及其管理人员和代表,例如 HashKey Capital的首席执行官。这些冒名顶替者一直在Telegram和LinkedIn等社交媒体平台上创建虚假个人资料。他们通常通过提示用户安排会议来发起联系,然后提供可疑的会议链接,一旦单击该链接,就会自动将脚本下载到...
PANews 11月30日消息,HashKey Capital发布诈骗警报,称有诈骗者试图冒充HashKey Capital及其管理人员和代表,例如 HashKey Capital的首席执行官。这些冒名顶替者一直在Telegram和LinkedIn等社交媒体平台上创建虚假个人资料。他们通常通过提示用户安排会议来发起联系,然后提供可疑的会议链接,一旦单击该链接,就会自动将脚本下载到...
Chao Deng, CEO of HashKey Capital said: “We are delighted to partner with Tassat in their endeavor to be a global leader in building a blockchain-based infrastructure that enables institutions to tokenize, transfer, exchange and settle digital assets and we support its team’s vision and prov...
!!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '$null'. 'Name' Attribute cannot be modified - owned by the system 'set-acl.exe' not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, 'Set-ExecutionP...