View in Scopus [94] T.A. Standish Data Structures Techniques Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1980) Google Scholar [95] R.E. Tarjan Graph theory and gaussian elimination J.R. Bunch, D.J. Rose (Eds.), Sparse Matrix Computations, Academic Press, New York (1976), pp. 3-22 View PDFView ...
Hash maps: Also known by the name hash tables, hash maps indicate data structures used to store keys/value pairs vide an associative array abstract data type. • Bloom filters: Probabilistic structures of data that are used to ascertain a specific data element queried in a large set inside ...
Information Science Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 Arnd Christian König Microsoft Research Microsoft Corporation Redmond, WA 98052 ABSTRACT Efficient (approximate) computation of set similarity in very large datasets is a common task with many applications in information retrieval and data ...
An effi- cient way of implementing such operations is through the use of hash based data structures, e.g. hash tables. In the case of contiguous k-mers this operation is fairly simple because the hashing value can be computed by extend- ing the hash computed at the previous position, ...
Techniques for implementing resilient hashing with compression are provided. In some embodiments, a network device can maintain a compressed partition and an uncompressed partition
In parallel, harnessing nonlinear manifold structures has been shown effective in producing compact neighborhood-preserving hash codes. The early algorithm in this fashion is Spectral Hashing (SH) [37, 38], which produces hash codes through solving a continuously relaxed mathematical program sim- ilar...
table Offset table Φ =1381 pixels in 1282 image =382 (=1444) =182 Sparse 3D data Hash table Offset table Φ =41,127 voxels in 1283 volume =353 (=42,875) =193 Figure 1: Representation of sparse spatial data using nearly minimal perfect hashes, illustrated on coarse 2D and 3D ...
However, the space footprint of this novel data structure is still often larger than that of many main- stream solutions. In this work, we detail means to reduce the memory footprint of hypertries and thereby further speed up query processing in hypertrie-based RDF storage solutions. Our ...
and this problem is worsened by the abstract nature of sketches in that only seeing sketches within one training batch doesn't necessarily provide useful and representative gradients for class centers; (2) despite of more compact in- ternal category structures (Figure 3(b) with common center loss...
We attempt hash-based carving with a target file database of roughly a million files and discover an unexpectedly high false identification rate resulting from common data structures in Microsoft Office documents and multimedia files. We call such blocks “non-probative blocks.” We present the ...