That task is very common in bioinformatics and computational biology. It's natively supported in BioPython, and its BLOSUM matrices can be converted to StringZilla's format. Alternatively, you can construct an arbitrary 256 by 256 cost matrix using NumPy. Depending on arguments, the result may ...
Both A and B None of the above Answer:C) Both A and B Explanation: The types of hashing are - Static Dynamic Discuss this Question DBMS Static Hashing Multiple-Choice Questions DBMS RAID Multiple-Choice Questions Advertisement Learn & Test Your Skills ...
There are four types of hashing functions available in the Teradata.1. HASHROW: It describes hexadecimal rowhash value for an expression. The Query would give the same results if we ran again and again.The HASHROW function produces the 32-bit binary Row Hash that is stored as part of the...