vnameHash* v;HASH_FIND_STR(vnames, key, v);if(v !=NULL){intocc;charfind ='_';constchar*ptr =strrchr(v->vname_occ, find);if(ptr) {inti =strlen(v->vname_occ);ints = ptr - v->vname_occ +1;char*occStr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(i-s+1));strncpy(occStr, v->v...
In my code, when I use int hash key, it can always find the struct with the same exist key inserted in the uthash. When use string hash key, when the count of struct inserted big enough (4000), sometimes it can find, but other times, it cannot find. I found the hashval is corre...
"var",sizeof("var")-1);char* varname = Z_STRVAL_P(val_ptr);// thrift typeval_ptr =zend_hash_str_find(fieldspec,"type",sizeof("type")-1);if(Z_TYPE_P(val_ptr) != IS_LONG) convert_to_long(val_ptr);int8_tttype = Z_LVAL_P(val_ptr);...