NSHashTableWeakMemory: 等同于NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory.对成员变量进行弱引用. 使用 NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory, object 引用在最后释放的时候会被指向 NULL。 NSHashTableZeroingWeakMemory: 已被抛弃.使用NSHashTableWeakMemory 代替。 NSHashTableCopyIn: 在对象被加入集合之前进行复制 (NSPointerFunction -acquir...
(ou aIComparerinterface). A implementação de ambos os métodos e interfaces deve lidar com a confidencialidade de maiúsculas e minúsculas da mesma maneira; caso contrário, oHashtablepode se comportar incorretamente. Por exemplo, ao criar umHashtable, você deve usar aCaseInsensitive...
table_level int 哈希表编号。 某个特定缓存可能有多个对应于不同哈希函数的哈希表。 不可为 null。 buckets_count int 哈希表中的存储桶数。 不可为 null。 buckets_in_use_count int 当前使用的存储桶数。 不可为 null。 buckets_min_length int 存储桶中的最小缓存条目数。 不可为 null。 buckets_max...
~OSHashTable() { delete[] fHashTable; } void Add(T* entry) { Assert(entry->fNextHashEntry == nullptr); K key(entry); UInt32 theIndex = ComputeIndex(key.GetHashKey()); entry->fNextHashEntry = fHashTable[theIndex]; fHashTable[theIndex] = entry; ...
哈希表Hash Table 简单理解公式为 y = hash(x) 开辟一块内存空间,分割出一个个“房间”,这个房间称为bucket桶,按照y值为“房间”编号 使用给出的x计算出对应的y值,可以按照某种关系计算出数据将被存储到的“房间号码”,将数据存入该房间, 即使是hash函数设计的好,数据分布均匀,但是存储的数据很多,超过负载因子...
The value "nine" is NOT in the Hashtable. */ Comentarios Los valores de los elementos de Hashtable se comparan con el valor especificado mediante el Object.Equals método . Este método realiza una búsqueda lineal; por lo tanto, este método es una O(n) operación, donde n es ...
Because of its options, NSHashTable is not a set because it can behave differently (for example, if pointer equality is specified two isEqual: strings will both be entered). When configuring hash tables, note that only the options listed in NSHashTableOptions guarantee that the rest of the...
Hash table number. A particular cache may have multiple hash tables that correspond to different hash functions. Is not nullable. buckets_count int Number of buckets in the hash table. Is not nullable. buckets_in_use_count int Number of buckets that are currently being used. Is not nullable...
Hash table and linked list implementation of the Map interface, with well-defined encounter order. This implementation differs from HashMap in that it maintains a doubly-linked list running through all of its entries. This linked list defines the encounter order (the order of iteratio...
这篇paper由CWI database research group和Viktor Leis(Hyper的主coder之一,从TUM去了Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)在2020年发表,主要介绍了他们在query processing中针对hash table和string handling的一些优化,这些优化不仅是一个学术研究的原型,也被集成到了Vectorwise这个产品中。