void hashmap_putChar(map_t *map, ds_Char *ch) { hashmap_put(map, ch->key_string, ch); } void hashmap_getCharValue(map_t *map, char* key) { ds_Char *out; hashmap_get(map, key, (void**)(&out)); printf("key:%s, value:%c\n", out->key_string, out->ch); } int m...
* Originally by Elliot C Back -http://elliottback.com/wp/hashmap-implementation-in-c/* * Modified by Pete Warden to fix a serious performance problem, support strings as keys * and removed thread synchronization -http://petewarden.typepad.com*/#ifndef __HASHMAP_H__#define__HASHMAP_H__...
extern int hashmap_put(hmap_t in, char* key, void_ptr elem); /** * Get an element from the hashmap. Return HMAP_S_OK or HMAP_E_NOTFOUND. */ extern int hashmap_get(hmap_t in, const char* key, void_ptr *elem); /** * Remove an element from the hashmap. Return HMAP_S_O...
它是一种缓存友好的数据结构,在大多数情况下提供比std::unordered_map更好的性能,并且与 google::dense_hash_map 非常相似,同时使用更少的内存并提供更多功能。 该库提供了以下主要类:tsl::hopscotch_map、tsl::hopscotch_set、tsl::hopscotch_pg_map和tsl::hopscotch_pg_set。前两个速度更快,并且使用 2 的幂...
A type-safe generic hashmap implementation for C. Installation Themap.candmap.hfiles can be dropped into an existing C project and compiled along with it. Usage Before using a map it should first be initialised using themap_init()function. ...
hmap_search(hash_map hmap, const char *key); #endif /* HASHMAP_H_INCLUDED */ 实现文件如下: /* * hashmap.c * Generic hashmap implementation. * a map for pair of key-value. key must be a null-end string, value is any type of data. ...
A type-safe generic hashmap implementation for C. Installation The map.c and map.h files can be dropped into an existing C project and compiled along with it. Usage Before using a map it should first be initialised using the map_init() function. map_int_t m; map_init(&m); Values ...
一个简单的HashMap C语言实现 blog.csdn.net/cheungmine/article/details/1894219 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1222055 http://elliottback.com/wp/hashmap-implementation-in-c/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300525/super-high-performance-c-c-hash-map-table-dictionary...
4. HashMap Implementation in Java Although it is not mandatory to know the internals of HashMap class to use it effectively, still understanding “how HashMap works” will expand your knowledge in this topic as well as your overall understanding of Map data structure. The HashMap internally us...
在Java中,HashMap是一种常用的数据结构,用于存储键值对。它的put方法是最常用的操作之一,本篇博客将深入探讨HashMap的put方法,逐步分解每个步骤,以便更好地理解数据的添加过程。 1. 确定哈希桶位置 在HashMap中,元素是通过哈希函数计算得到的哈希码(hash code)来确定存储位置的。put方法首先会根据键的哈希码计算出...