void hashmap_putChar(map_t *map, ds_Char *ch) { hashmap_put(map, ch->key_string, ch); } void hashmap_getCharValue(map_t *map, char* key) { ds_Char *out; hashmap_get(map, key, (void**)(&out)); printf("key:%s, value:%c\n", out->key_string, out->ch); } int m...
* and removed thread synchronization -http://petewarden.typepad.com*/#ifndef __HASHMAP_H__#define__HASHMAP_H__#defineMAP_MISSING -3 /* No such element */#defineMAP_FULL -2 /* Hashmap is full */#defineMAP_OMEM -1 /* Out of Memory */#defineMAP_OK 0 /* OK *//** any_t is...
extern int hashmap_put(hmap_t in, char* key, void_ptr elem); /** * Get an element from the hashmap. Return HMAP_S_OK or HMAP_E_NOTFOUND. */ extern int hashmap_get(hmap_t in, const char* key, void_ptr *elem); /** * Remove an element from the hashmap. Return HMAP_S_O...
hmap_create(hash_map *hmap, int size) { (*hmap) = (hash_map_t*) malloc(sizeof(hash_map_t)); (*hmap)->size = size; (*hmap)->key = (listnode_t**) calloc(size, sizeof(listnode_t*)); (*hmap)->value = (listnode_t**) calloc(size, sizeof(listnode_t*)); } /* Dest...
map A type-safe generic hashmap implementation for C. Installation Themap.candmap.hfiles can be dropped into an existing C project and compiled along with it. Usage Before using a map it should first be initialised using themap_init()function. ...
1.STL map 编程过程中难免要使用哈希表,Hash是一个非常高效的映射数据结构,另外一种常用的是Map。Hash和Map的区别,是底层的实现,hash一般是数组+散列的思想,而Map一般是红黑树,或者其他的树。 STL中的哈希表有std::map,std::unordered_map,可以很快找到key对应的Value值。
Templated type-safe hashmap implementation in C using open addressing and linear probing for collision resolution. - DavidLeeds/hashmap
The robin-map library is a C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using open-addressing and linear robin hood hashing with backward shift deletion to resolve collisions.Four classes are provided: tsl::robin_map, tsl::robin_set, tsl::robin_pg_map and tsl::robin_pg_set. The ...
C HashMap 一个简单的HashMap C语言实现 blog.csdn.net/cheungmine/article/details/1894219 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1222055 http://elliottback.com/wp/hashmap-implementation-in-c/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300525/super-high-performance-c-c-hash-map-table-dictionary...
[Android.Runtime.Register(".ctor", "(IF)V", "")] public ConcurrentHashMap (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor); Parameters initialCapacity Int32 the initial capacity. The implementation performs internal sizing to accommodate this many elements, given the specified load factor. loadFactor Singl...