use_scene=use_scene, biz_type=biz_type, speed_limit=data.speed_limit, stop_interval=data.stop_interval, service_status=UWEB.SERVICE_STATUS.ON)ifint(biz_type) == UWEB.BIZ_TYPE.YDWS:# 0. check tmobile is whitelist or notwhite_list = check_zs_phone(data.tmobile, self.db)ifnotwhite_...
InMemoryCryptoProviderCache ISecurityTokenValidator IssuerSigningKeyResolver IssuerSigningKeyResolverUsingConfiguration IssuerSigningKeyValidator IssuerSigningKeyValidatorUsingConfiguration IssuerValidator IssuerValidatorUsingConfiguration ITokenReplayCache JsonWebAlgorithmsKeyTypes ...
V570. Variable is assigned to itself. V571. Recurring check. This condition was already verified in previous line. V572. Object created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type. Consider inspecting the expression. V573. Use of uninitialized variable 'Foo'. The variable was use...
This change is part of #43902. Use case/motivation Its been removed in #43902. Related issues 41641 Are you willing to submit a PR? Yes I am willing to submit a PR! Code of Conduct I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct sunan...
error "there is no logon server availbal" After recent Windows 10 update, the loopback adapter doesn't show in the "Network connections" list and I cannot use the old name with newly created loopback adapter. After remote desktop session is disconnected, Windows begins using 100%...
filter(OWLPropertyExpression::isDataPropertyExpression) .map(OWLPropertyExpression::asDataPropertyExpression); } 代码示例来源:origin: owlcs/owlapi /** * Gets the set of property expressions that form the key. * * @return The set of property expression that form the key * @deprecated use the...
Note:The has_key() method is only executable in Python 2.x. It is deprecated in Python 3.x. Instead, use thein operator. Syntax Following is the syntax of thePython dictionary has_key()method − dict.has_key(key) Parameters key− This is the Key which needs to be searched in the...
with this code in index.js // This is the first file that ReactNative will run when it starts up. // If you use Expo (`yarn expo:start`), the entry point is ./App.js instead. // Both do essentially the same thing. import App from "./app/app.tsx" ...
We use the overlay partition to make certain parts of /etc writeable. It is a simple ext4 file system with some directories bind mounted to certain directories in real /etc, like /etc/docker. Now your case looks a corruption happened to that partition. However, as written in #1706 (commen...