In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, 5who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the...
And Trump’s plan is a huge over-reach for America, and will escalate an already tense situation, and will make America’s destruction an even higher priority for her enemies. The powers that be could nuke America to “save the Palestinian people” from the “horrors” of American colonizati...
Some people have already contributed, and you’re welcome to do the same—any contributions at all are appreciated! Your contributions will not be forgotten; our awesome community value them highly, and you might even receive financial gratitude from the project's creator in the future. Let's ...
day and night, the cyclic motion of the sun, earth, moon and solar system. We also see the principles of reincarnation reflected around us each day: a plant grows, dies and releases its seeds. Its seeds burrow into the earth, begin to sprout, and new life is reborn once again. ...
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Church of Latter Day Saints, for example, have managed to add their own bible histories to the mix, making things significantly murkier than they already were. If, after reading about these changes, you're still feeling doubts about the reality of alterations,...
Bible changes happen when a church branches off from its parent and tries to set out with its own identity. Jehovah’s Witnesses and theChurch of Latter Day Saints, for example, have managed to add their own bible histories to the mix, making things significantly murkier than they alrea...
already happened and scared about what might come. My altar truly became a sanctuary in my home–the place where I sat, prayed, wept. The place that led to my own healing and growth, a transformation of my spirit. An altar is a sacred space. A place to lay it all down–the good,...
I wish to deal with this question in two ways. First of all, I want to ask what Pentecost meant to the early Christians? Secondly, I want to sharpen the question already posed: what has happened to Pentecost in our Christian faith?
The first flags aren’t even down 30 seconds after the blast, but below, we can see him already standing inside the barricade.Either he got across the street and over the barricade really, really, super-soldier-nija-like quickly… or, he was already there at the scene....
All members would already have been gathered in the universe seven, but Goku receives the unfortunate news that something bad would have happened with Majin Buu (he has fallen asleep), so he immediately goes in search of him. Todos los miembros ya habrían estado reunidos en el universo si...