【单选题】Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention. A highly contagious viral disease, it was endemic in Europe, causing the death of millions of people until the develop... A. World Health Organization B. Eradication of Smallpox C. Smallpox Va...
Smallpox has already been eradicated. The United Kingdom has provided DTP since the 1950s and MMR since 1988. Lowered prevalence rates of disease, serological surveys, and treatment specific trials have lent support to this policy.1 2 In short, evidence already exists.Unfortunate...
The Plan to Fight Smallpox: Two decades ago we eradicated the world's most devastating plague. Now the government has a plan to vaccinate the entire population within 10 days of a terror attack, and 10 million health and emergency workers may get their shots in advance. But the inoculation...
an estimated 350,000 people were paralyzed each year by the poliovirus inmore than 125 countries. This led the World Health Assembly in 1988 to adopt a resolution for the worldwide eradication of polio, drawing inspiration from the eradication ofsmallpox. ...
Monkeypox COVID-19 Outbreak Healthcare system Prevention 1. Introduction Monkeypox, an illness similar to eradicated smallpox, is caused by an orthopoxvirus called Monkeypoxvirus, which is most commonly found in Central and West Africa as a self-limited disease with symptoms such as fever, lethar...
Question: What has overtaken tuberculosis as the disease that causes the most adult deaths worldwide? A) Malaria B) Measles C) Syphilis D) AIDS. Infectious diseases: Infectious diseases are medical conditions and illnesses that are easily tr...
A.composed B.colonized C.concerned D.conceded 暂无答案
Look at official statistics, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that so-called influenza pandemics are no worse than garden-variety flu. After all, the seasonal influenza virus kills hundreds of thousands of people around the globe each year, while the World Health Organization's official death...