In this excerpt from Unleashing the Power of CSS, we take a deep dive into how to select elements with the CSS :has() selector.Heralded as “the parent selector”, the :has() pseudo-class has far greater range than just styling an element’s ancestor. With its availability in Safari ...
Want to target the .post has <h2>, also has <a> .post:has(h2):has(a){background:red;} 分类:CSS3 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 Zhentiw 粉丝-41关注 -0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 «上一篇:[Web] CORS Headers »下一篇:[CSS 3] margin-trim ...
You could argue that the CSS:hasselector is more powerful than just a “parent” selector, which is exactly what Bramushas done!Like in the subheadings example above, you aren’t necessarily ultimately selecting the parent, you might select the parent in a has-condition,but then ultimately s...
The CSS:has()pseudo-class is a level 4 CSS selector that is now available as a fully supported feature in many browsers. It’ a relational pseudo-class that allows you to check if a given element contains certain child elements, select it if any match is found, and then style it accor...
/* gray in <article>, <section>, or <aside> */ article p, section p, aside p { color: #444; } 这是一个简单的示例,但是更复杂的页面将导致更复杂和冗长的选择器字符串。任何选择器中的语法错误都可能破坏所有元素的样式。 我们也可以使用CSS预处理器,如Sass,允许嵌套使用: ...
原文地址:Learn CSS :has() selector by examples: 5 top use cases 原文作者:Mojtaba SeyediCSS中的 :has 选择器打开了一个充满新可能性的世界。现在它已经登陆 Firefox 121,自此所有现代浏览器都支持它。在本…
CSS now includes a :has selector that allows us to apply styles on the basis of what is happening inside an element. Let us take a look at this parent selector.
document.querySelector()返回第一个匹配的HTML元素 document.querySelectorAll()返回所有匹配的HTML元素NodeList节点列表 伪类选择器基于HTML元素的当前状态来定位它们。用到比较多的是:hover,它在光标移动到元素上时应用样式,因此它用于突出显示可单击的链接和按钮。还有如下伪类选择器供我们使用: ...
Have you ever thought about a CSS selector where you check if a specific element exists within a parent? For example, if a card component has a thumbnail, we need to add display: flex to it. This hasn’t been possible in CSS but now we will have a new selector, the CSS :has ...
CSS Parent Selector 顾名思义就是拥有的意思 p:has(.child) // p 有子孙 .child p:has(> .child) // p 有孩子 .child p:has(+ .child) // p 的 next 是 .child 配合:not(:has(.child)) 表示没有的意思. 支持度挺好的 @container (container query) ...