我用autodyn软件,按照书上例子建模,完成之后点击run之后总是出现:has particles within radius cutoff ...
谢谢 下面有一行:Subgrid steel-cera has particles within radius cutoff 分享202 绝命毒师吧 ziedfild 为什么老白那么维护平克曼?总觉得平克曼就是一拖后腿的呀,要是没有他早就该剧终了。为此我认为要么是老白和他擦出了火花,要么就是编剧故意狗血。各位看官怎么认为? 分享16211 cs1.6吧 㝇罡 突突突了那么...
Microplastic particles were either purchased commercially—polystyrene (PS, microParticles GmbH, Germany; 250 nm or 1.1\(\upmu\)m mean particle size, 5% or 10% w/vol in aqueous solution), polyethylene (PE, Cospheric LLC, United States; size range 0.2–9.9\(\upmu\)m, dissolved at 100 mg/...
Cell migration analysis and scratch healing: (A) Tracking of HaCaT and HaSKpwC7 cells movement with (+) and without (−) neighbouring cells within 35 µm radius. Depicted are cells and their corresponding movement tracks for 18 h (72 frames, yellow lines) after a total of 36 h. (B)...
The radius of gyration of the particle and the mobility of the chains within were monitored through the simulation, showing the phase transition temperatures at which first, the polymer chains condense into a single cluster (defining T\(_{start}\)), and second, their mobility becomes so ...
The production of charged particles with pT > 0.5 GeV/c and |η| < 2 in the different topological regions and the quality of the MC description can be examined through the distribution of the azimuthal separation φ between the directions of the leading object and of any selected track. As...