idea has not been initialized yet 想法尚未初始化 重点词汇: idea 想法 ; 主意 ; 概念 ; 意见 ; 目标 ; 看法 ; 构思 ; 感觉 ; 信念 ; 印象 initialized 已初始化的 yet 然而 ; 但是 ; 还 ; 现在 ; 更 ; 迄今为止,到当时为止 ; 马上 ; 早晚,总有一天 ; 即刻 ; 用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未...
报错:ERROR: ohpm has not been initialized yet. Execute the init script to initialize it first 本文参与了思否HarmonyOS 技术问答马拉松,欢迎正在阅读的你也加入。 harmonyos 有用关注2收藏回复 阅读1.7k AI BotBETA 在出现这个错误信息时,通常意味着您正在尝试使用一个尚未初始化的模块或库。在这种情况下,错...
针对您遇到的错误信息 "error: ohpm has not been initialized yet. execute the init script to initialize it first.",这里提供详细的解决步骤: 确认错误信息的来源和上下文: 这个错误通常出现在尝试使用ohpm(一个鸿蒙系统的包管理工具)执行某些操作,如安装依赖时,但ohpm尚未被正确初始化。 查找与ohpm相关的...
在DevEco的终端报 ERROR: ohpm has not been initialized yet. Execute the init script to initialize...
ohpm 运行命令报错 ERROR: ohpm has not been initialized yet. Execute the init.bat script to ...
鸿蒙OS开发,解决报错“ohpm has not been initialized yet. Execute the init script to initialize it first.” 进入“ohpm/bin”目录,打开命令行工具,执行如下指令初始化ohpm。 说明:初始化ohpm前,需先完成node.js环境变量配置。 Windows环境下执行:
weblogic 中重启一个应用 成功启动 没报错 。后面调用接口 就报错 EMF has not been initialized yet!,网上搜索 没搜到相关信息。 后来请同事帮忙,建议重启weblogic server 照做 ,解决问题。。经验真有用!
Component '<component name>' did not call Container.Add() in its constructor Component name cannot be empty Could not access the variable '<variable name>' because it has not been initialized yet Could not find type '<type name>' Could not load type '<type name>' Could not locate the...
As above, are you maybe trying to use ML Kit APIs before or during Application creation? In that case the content provider might not have been initialized yet. In any case,manually initializing ML Kitbefore you call ML Kit APIs should always work. ...