In Helm, thehelm upgrade [release-name] [chart]command lets you upgrade your release to a new version. However, attempting to upgrade your release can sometimes produce the “helm has no deployed releases” error. In this tutorial, we will cover the causes of the “helm has no deployed re...
exec: helm upgrade --install --reset-values cheeky-chick stable/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter --version 0.1.2 --namespace devops --values /p/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter-us-east-1/values.yaml Error: UPGRADE FAILED: "cheeky-chick" has no deployed releases err: exit status 1 ...
When doing reconciliation of helm release, sometimes it starts showing "Helm upgrade failed: project has no deployed releases." It's happening once in 2-3 days. Q: Is helm controller restarted? A: No kubectl -n flux-system get pods helm-controller-6b456768d5-mcwcc NAME READY STATUS RESTA...
Choerodon平台版本: 0.22.0 遇到问题的执行步骤: 一键部署0.22版本,“hzero-message” has no deployed releases
Common actions for Helm: - helm search: search for charts - helm pull: download a chart to your local directory to view - helm install: upload the chart to Kubernetes - helm list: list releases of charts Environment variables: ... Helm常用...
At JFrog, our mission is simple: To make every software creator successful by providing the best solution to deliver releases fast, securely, and continuously. GitLab’s ambitions are certainly large, according to theirmission statement. “Our BHAG over the next 30 years is to become the most...
Sometimes, my helm upgrade --install will fail with transport is closing error (timeout), then the release will enter PENDING_UPGRADE status and all subsequent helm upgrade --install will result in: Error: UPGRADE FAILED: "namehere" has no deployed releases if --force is NOT passed Error:...
addons represents either an helm release, Kubernetes resource YAMLs or kustomize resources.Here is an example of how to require that any CAPI Cluster with label env: prod has following features deployed:Kyverno helm chart (version v3.0.1) kubernetes resource(s) contained in the referenced Secret...
Installation option Helm Provider: K3s Kubernetes Version: v1.24.10 +k3s1 Architecture: Amd64 Created: 190 days ago This is our primary rancher cluster installed on 4 low power machines from which we manage Harvester installation and the resources deployed within it - thats just been updated to...
Runninghelm upgrade/helm uninstallfor an unknown application intermittently fails with errors like this: error: unable to recognize "/tmp/kubectl_replace_486731274/resource.stdin": an error on the server ("unable to create impersonator account: error setting up impersonation for user u-8j72f: Opera...