However, Jenna Ortega, who voiced Brooklynn, has quit the Netflix series. The trailer hinted that her character would be killed off, but a huge surprise was later unveiled that showcased her alive. But the Wednesday star has been replaced by Kie...
The Weeknd's Upcoming Thriller Movie With Jenna Ortega & Barry Keoghan Gets Release Date! 12/21/2024 by Just Jared Just Jared Taylor Swift (I) Sarah Michelle Gellar Asked for a ‘Friday Off’ to See Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour 12/21/2024 by Tomás Mier The 2 Worst Cover...
When Emmy-winning costume designer Kate Carin's career had a bit of a full-circle moment when she was brought on as a costume designer for "The Buccaneers." Way back in the '90s, she was the costume designer on "Hideous Kinky," a film that features a 22-year-old Kate Winslet. (Win...
A monumental news item if ever there was one, the news of Presley's passing was a gut punch. Yes, celebrities--BIG ones--had died before, but Elvis's death was just...different. It felt weird. It kept feeling weird. And, for some, it felt SO weird that they didn't accept it. ...
Wednesday Addamsis nearly back on TV thanks to Netflix's upcoming show. Steal Jenna Ortega's Wednesday look by wearing a black dress with a white Peter Pan collar. Don't forget the black tights, black shoes and braids with bangs!
After weeks of speculation and Pusha T drama, Drake has seemingly confirmed that he’s a father. The rapper addressed rumored news that he’d had a baby with former adult-film star Sophie Brussaux on his new album Scorpion, and the lyrics make things pretty damn clear. ...
Jenna Ortega Rocks Strong Legs In SAG Awards Pics Jennasaid that she’s competitive with herself. “If there’s anything that’s going to put me in a bad mood, it’s if I feel like I’m notpushing myselfor doing the best I possibly can,” she shared. “And it was the same ...
Jenna Ortega hits the SAG Awards red carpet. Jenna clearly hasn’t slacked onleg day recently,and she previously toldWomen’s Healththat she’s a big fan ofstrength training. “I love doingsquats,” she said. “I just feel so secure in what I'm doing and I just know tha...