1、下载该版本Altium Designer 的破解文件。2、到网上更新证书上或者取得新的许可,来使用这个软件。
原因:session has expired;please log in again 这个错误原因可能:修改密码、账号注销、用户长时间未登录、应用不允许多设备登录等触发的。在 Application 中注册 setOnNeedLoginListener 监听,当监听到该事件后,应用跳转到 登录页面,让用户重新登录。 请参考文档:https://developer.tuya.com/cn/docs/app-development/...
The certificate used to sign "XXX" has either expired or has been revoked. An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application. 只需要将调试证书reset 一下即可。xcode - preference - 选中你的appleID - iOS Development - reset 搞定。
The certificate used to sign "XXX" has either expired or has been revoked. An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application. 刚开始在key里删除证书,在Xcode中fix一下,好像问题也不大。 但是最近频发发生这样的事情,有时候需要耗费很久才能在搞定。 后来在stack overflow找到一个帖子,...
最近用自己的个人账号真机调试,报这个错。因为这个证书是临时的。我的做法是重新修改bundle identifier (targets-general-bundle ident...
The certificate used to sign “XXX” has either expired or has been revok. 个人测试账号开发,报error。提示证书过期,在网上查了一下解决步骤如下 1.访问~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles,清空目录 2.Automatically manage signing 重新选择刷新一下...
aAny voltage or combination of voltages up 任何电压或组合的电压[translate] a搭建涵盖整个电动车的四大主流产品线 Build covering entire electric car four big mainstream product line[translate] ahuangshi avenue huangshi大道[translate] aexpired or has been cancelled) 新加坡登记的医生[translate]...
双语对照 例句:1.On the certification path tab, verify that either this certificate has expired or isnot yet valid or this certificate is ok appears under certificate status.在“证书路径”选项卡上,验证“证书状态”下显示的是“该证书已过期,或者尚未生效”还是“该证书没有问题”。
This certificate has expired or is not yet valid 此证书已过期或尚未有效 This certificate has expired or is not yet valid 此证书已过期或尚未有效
When trying to activate Kaspersky Free, you may encounter the "License has expired" or "Activation period has expired" error. Reason Incorrect system date on the computer The license has expired or the period during Solution Check the system date on your computer. For instructions, see this ...