The parents of Generation Z, I suppose decided that they themselves were too addicted to their phones and social media feeds to want to actually change anything, even if it all damaged their children, and likely themselves. If anything the apps and feeds have only...
Hugh Jackman spent almost 20 years making X-Men movies shackled by a PG-13 rating. At least until 2017’s Logan, he couldn’t swear, and certainly couldn’t do much with his claws besides wave them in the air a whole bunch. His Wolverine never got to truly cut loose....
Capitalism 101. Jasmina007//Getty Images Unfortunately, it’s how the beauty industry I know and love works (for the most part) too. The latte makeup craze made bronzer sales spike, and the Brat girl summer trend made me a green eyeshadow convert. Slicked-back buns led to a bajillion...
I feel like if this was an episode of the Twilight Zone it would be a cautionary tale of how something like us, does not, in fact, level the playing field, but rather highlights ( in huge neon lights) the stark difference between rich and poor, and the monstrous failures of capitalism....
In the years since, Max Martin and Katy Perry, Luke’s two other most prominent collaborators, stopped collaborating with him.PinkandKelly Clarksonhave pulled no punches in publicly denouncing him. Lady Gaga, a survivor of sexual assault herself, was subpoenaed in Dr. Luke’s case over private...
FOR BETTER THAN TWO DECADES, THE ORTHODOX recipe for global growth has been embodied in the so-called Washington Consensus. This approach, advocated by the United States and enforced by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), holds that growth is maximized when barriers to the...
Those bitches arethirstyfor that gift box). I’m 29 and still can’t wait to rip open that wrapping paper and see what I got. (Nothing says “Happy Birthday, Jesus!” like Consumer Capitalism, amiright?) So, as soon as you wake up, grab that cup of coffee and snuggle up by your...
GeorgiaRepresentative John Lewisimplored the crowd to "Go out there, speak up, speak out. Get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America." Lewis himself had gotten into plenty of "good trouble" over the years, being arrested more than 40 time...
an astounding short squeeze engineered by traders ganging up on those short sellers on the social media; and then, the shares whipped around and wiped out those very traders that had gotten in late and had gotten caught in a classic pump-and-dump by those tra...
“Musical creativity is dealing with the most difficult forces of finance and capitalism.” If I had to summarize, musical creativity is dealing with the most difficult forces of finance and capitalism. And they’re kind of at a standstill. We’re in a moment, still deciding where to look...