And it's got a surprising, refreshing reliance on real people, from the music editors whose entire job is to create playlists and pick out music for you in the app, to the live DJs on Beats 1, the 24/7 radio station integrated into the app. But with all of those features jammed ...
Famed documentary filmmaker Ken Burns recently said,“As we got to know him… he was among the highest individuals in America; I'm talking about the level of Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King Jr., and Thomas Jefferson — people who have h...
Lamar lost every award for which he was nominated, even Best Rap Album. The winner of that award, Macklemore, was as shocked as anyone. The day after the ceremony, hemade public a text he sent to Kendrick after the show. It began, "You got robbed. I wanted you...
I knew that Adam and Chen were going to make fun of me in front of John, and that John would decide that he’d rather be buddies with them. Sure enough, as soon as we got outside, Adam and Chen swaggered (大摇大摆地走) up to us. “Mr Turner says you’re a good basketball ...
And now it’s gone. I look at the empty space in the garage and it makes me sad. I’m very excited for what comes next but I’ll never forget this one and would absolutely own another one in the future. It’s not just hyperbole. The answer to everything really might be Miata. ...
We got all of our questions answered all in this one episode. Well, almost all of them. Ok, the majority of them. Some of them? Cool. Filing this away with the other 30 billion pages about LOST I did not watch the series recap clip show. I did DVR it though so I can watch it...
became the first woman to test fly a helicopter, Focke’s FW-61 helicopter, even going on to set a distance record for helicopter flight of 109km. She followed that up with the record (shared with another pilot) for being the first in the world to fly a copter in an enclosed space ...
8.Iwrotethestoryforfun.Iwasn'texpectinganyoneto___it. A.publish B.publisher C.publication D.publishes 9.Somepeoplemightbehappywithworkingnine___five,butit'snotforme. A.over 10.Iwas___tobeofferedthejob,asIdidn'tthinktheinterviewhadgonewell. A.amazing B.amazed...
It is, however, easy enough for anyone over the age of 10 to fly. The smartphone app for the Neo offers integrated flying modes that can be activated with the touch of an on-screen icon, but it also responds to voice commands given via a phone. Our in-house tech gur...
This was an old post and it still helped me heaps very thankful for the real work you guys do to help people in the community thanks again Reply Augusto 2 years ago Hi, thanks for this Lifesaver post. I got it Up & running in vmWare 17.0.1, keeping the HV version in 20: AMD ...