The First Time Somebody Has Ever "Beat" Tetris IGNreports that the community is now looking for ways to avoid crashing the game so they can reach level 255, see a pure red color scheme of blocks, and then be brought back to level 0. As a more casual fan ofTetris, it’s a fascinati...
Have it beat the highest-grossing movie ever made in the span of a month or two, and you can bet there will be a backlash against the game’s popularity as well. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 did deserve some of the complaints it got, mind you. The rushed development led to bugs ...
To do so is skipping out on Pac-Man or Tetris. They are such touchstones of the genre, it is criminal for anyone tonotplay them. As far as the Super Mario Land games, those are spin-offs. They are not essential. The same is true for New Super Mario Brothers. Non-essential. You d...