After the death of the British prime minister, the world's most powerful leaders gather in London to pay their respects. Without warning, terrorists unleash a devastating attack that leaves the city in chaos and ruins. Secret Service agent Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) springs into action to bri...
(left), then-president carter, and israeli prime minister menachem begin clasped hands at the white house after signing the peace treaty between egypt and israel in 1979. bob daugherty mr. carter had become a specialist on the region, reading translations of the quran and torah and studying ...
The first continent with a UN member state to have a female leader after WWII was Asia. In 1960, Sri Lanka – known then as Ceylon – elected its first female prime minister, Sirimavo Bandaranaike. She entered politics after her husband was assassinated while serving as prime minister. Since ...
Haiti hasn’t always been a completely disorganized craphole. For now though, the Caribbean island nation shows us a real-time example of just how the veneer of civilization is thinner than most people think. With a bona fide cannibal gang leader now in charge, thugs with guns are the la...
While Japanese imperialists used the term to exclude Western powers, India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, former Chinese president Sun Yat-sen and Japanese scholar Okakura Kakuzo promoted it as a cultural and anti-imperialist construct. India’s efforts to lead pan-Asianism by convening...
The former prime minister of Japan was assassinated on July 8 while at a political event in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan. He was giving a speech in support of the Liberal Democratic Party when his killer, using a homemade firearm, shot him twice in close range. Abe was transported ...
The former prime minister of Japan was assassinated on July 8 while at a political event in Nara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan. He was giving a speech in support of the Liberal Democratic Party when his killer, using a homemade firearm, shot him twice in close range. Abe was transported ...
Not to mention that the Egyptian government banned the Brotherhood in 1948, as a result of which it assassinated Prime Minister Mahmoud al-Nuqrashi; and in 1954-1970 because it tried to assassinate Col Gamal Abdel Nasser. Anwar El Sadat rehabilitated it because he wanted to offset the Nasser...
Syrian forces, which had entered Lebanon in 1976 as a “deterrence force” under an Arab League mandate, didn’t leave until 2005 after the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Al-Hariri. Perhaps the most significant outcome of the 1982 Israeli invasion was the birth of Hezbollah, which...
The first relates to claims he did not do enough protect the life of Benazir Bhutto –the first woman to be elected prime minister of Pakistan – after she was assassinated in 2007, just weeks before an election in which she hoped to be returned to office. Musharraf is also accused of ...