The state government brought a bill to control online gambling. The issue is pending in court as gaming companies have challenged it. Which is the posting you enjoyed the most? I was in the Education department as Commissioner of School Education and Principal Secretary of School Education which...
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Define Haryana. Haryana synonyms, Haryana pronunciation, Haryana translation, English dictionary definition of Haryana. A state of north-central India west of New Delhi. Formerly part of East Punjab, Haryana was made a separate state in 1966. Chandigarh
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National News Haryana to Give Free books will be given to students studying Haryana Education Minister Kanwar Pal on Tuesday said free books will be given to students 17 Feb National News Haryana, Affiliation from government a must for all private school ...
Furthermore, the teachers and the head of schools would be held responsible in case of any negligence in the use of the AVSAR app. The official spokesman also mentioned that the presence of all staff working in government schools has been made mandatory....
Teaching practice ongoing at 1) Gurunanak Senior Secondary School 2) S.D. Secondary School 3) Arya Government Girls Senior Secondary School Lecture by Dr. George, Director, Kurukshetra Institute of Technology and Management, Kurukshetra. Inaugural issue of College Magazine flagged off by Dr. George...
The full form of ITI is Industrial Training Institute and it is a government training organization responsible for providing high school students with industry-related education ITI is Industrial Training products safely accelerate the natural process and give the desired benefits to the user without any...
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