The Haryana government told a Bench consisting of Justice Arun Palli and Justice Vikram Aggarwal that a committee of experts had been formed ans the scheme was rolled out after ensuring strict measures. Several citizen groups have challenged this town and planning department’s initiative.
The Haryana government is expected to launch a statewide scheme to allot these houses to eligible applicants by May 2021. The prime reason behind these units finding no takers so far, has been inconsistencies in the allotment criteria. The HSVP has already started the process to identify ...
The Haryana government has amended the Haryana Building Code and introduced the stilt-plus-four-floor policy. Anuradha RamamirthamAug 2024 PMGSY: Know about the eligibility and scheme details The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a central government-sponsored scheme, aimed at assisting st...