ahis definition of agriculture is useful as it also helps establish a boundary between activities that are traditionally based on farms but are not agricultural (e.g. horse riding, food processing) from those that are agricultural (e.g. harvesting crops). 他的农业的定义是有用的,因为它也帮助...
aThis definition of agriculture is useful as it also helps establish a boundary between activities that are traditionally based on farms but are not agricultural (e.g. horse riding, food processing) from those that are agricultural (e.g. harvesting crops). 农业的这个定义是有用的,因为它也帮助...
Water can be extracted from moisture existing in the form of fog, mist, haze, dew, and clouds (Pérez-Díaz et al.2017). There is a fine line of definition in distinguishing these forms (Beysens1995; Pérez-Díaz et al.2017). The amount of moisture harvested from these sources is deter...
We study a socio-ecological model in which a continuum of consumers harvest a common property renewable natural resource. Markov perfect Nash equilibria of
A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination Biometrika, 78 (3) (1991), pp. 691-692 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Peng and Wu, 2003 H. Peng, Z. Wu A preliminary study on the characteristics and the distribution of red beds Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sun...
1. Definition of Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is a technique used to capture and store rainwater for various uses. 2. Purpose of Rainwater Harvesting: The main purpose of rainwater harvesting is to conserve water. This is especially important due to the increasing population and the...
Since the studied stands were harvested 15-years prior to the study, we considered similarity in the relationship of understory vegetation with depth-to-water between unharvested reference stands and the harvested stands as an indication of resilience. This is based on the definition of resilience ...
albeit with a smaller viewing range. These advantages of the RGB-D camera over the others make it more suitable for practical applications and it has been an essential component of vision systems in agriculture applications (Fu et al.,2020; Tu et al.2020). However, the RGB-D camera will ...
Authors M. H. Ali (1) Author Affiliations 1. Agricultural Engineering Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, BAU Campus, Mymensingh, 2202, Bangladesh Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above.Over...