Complete the tunnel between the two towns by participating in the seasonal cooking festivals. As you gain 3 hearts of friendship with the mayors, Eileen will post a "Through the Tunnel" request on the Bluebell message board on the first day of the new season. You'll need to complete this...
Of the 144112 characters on Anime Characters Database, 32 are from the video game Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns.
Because this version of Harvest Moon has mid-day weather changes, the changes will affect the crop growth:All day sunny = You can water once and then a second time 12 hours later All day rainy = Can't water your crops and rain counts for one-water that day Sunny -> Rainy at 1:00...
英文名称:Harvest Moon - The Tale of Two Towns! / Bokujou Monogatari - Futago no Mura + 游戏...
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns(2010) Quotes|Add Images Comment Member Features |LoginorRegister Voting 0 VS Matches Capture Game |What is this?|Hints Locked! Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Family Tree! Explore 19 relationship options, and maintain happine...
For example, if you participated in enough cooking festivals to mend the friendship between the mayors, you might see a request from Eileen to fix the tunnel between the towns. If you see a tunnel repair request on the 1st of the season, youwill notget a farm construction request that ...
牧场物语:双子村牧場物語u3000ふたごの村 / Bokujou Monogatari: Futago no Mura / Ranch Story: Twin Villages / Harvest Moon: Les deux villages / Harvest Moon: Les deux villagesHarvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns Marvelous Entertainment,Marvelous Interactive ...
【3DS】《牧场物语:双子村 3D Harvest Moon The Tale of Two Towns 3D》金手指下载,这是一款经营农场主题的模拟经营游戏,下面为玩家准备了它的金手指内容。 Game Title ID: 0004000000047900(Usa) ver:1.00 1.Infinite Health(血量不減) 2.Copy Item(複製道具) ...
3DS《牧场物语3D 双子村 Harvest Moon 3D - The Tale of Two Towns》Rev 1欧版英文CIA下载,这是一款角色扮演游戏,这款游戏一上线就备受好评,精彩的玩法和流畅的画面让很多玩家爱不释手,千万不要错过! 《牧场物语3D:双子镇的故事》是由Marvelous Interactive开发和发行的一款模拟经营游戏,于2011年在Nintendo 3DS平...
Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (NDS) Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar (NDS) Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns (NDS) Harvest Moon: A New Beginning (3DS) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC) Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (GC) Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life SE (PS2) Harvest Moon: Sav...