Seeds of Memoriesis the first official full-fledgedHarvest Moongame developed withTABOT(LovePlus, Steel Chronicle) for mobile platforms, personal computer, and Nintendo Wii U video game console. The game features standard elements such as crops, animals, foraging, mining, and town villagers. Players ...
【Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories 准备登陆 Steam】今日,「牧场物语」系列的最新作品:Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories 宣布会于 2015 年冬季登陆 Wii U、Steam、iOS 和 Android 平台。这也是第一款登陆 PC 平台的作品。O牧场物语新作:Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memor... ...
游戏公司Natsume近日通过推特公布了旗下新作《牧场物语:记忆的种子》(Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories),该作预计将在今年冬季登陆iiU、PC、iOS和安卓平台,不过并未透露更多游戏相关的消息。 《牧场物语:失落的山谷》中玩家可以体验到真实的牧场生活,游戏画面全面3D化,玩家可以自定义包括自己的角色在内的许多事物,包括...
游戏介绍 游戏介绍 HARVESTMOONSeedsOfMemories游戏简介 游戏信息建设中 分类: 网络游戏 九游APP | 版本: | 更新时间:2025-01-21 | 权限详情 | 隐私政策HARVESTMOONSeedsOfMemories 官方 7401人预约 扫码使用九游APP预约该游戏 豌豆荚APP预约下载
Video game developer Natsume has just announced that the next title in the Harvest Moon series will make its way to Android devices sometime this winter!
Harvest Moon is a farming simulation game with an underlining storyline that add depth to break up the daily monotony of watering crops. In the games, players have the option of getting married, raising livestock and poultry animals, catching fish, and attending festivals to impress the local ...
RT,牧场物语系列的最新作品:Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories,刚刚宣布会与2015年冬季登陆Wii U, Steam, iOS, 和 Android平台,这也是第一款登陆PC平台的作品,不过这个作品 @z692689995 ”是原来牧场物语美版代理商跟日本制作组谈崩了... 分享72 悠妮克吧 醉卧南楼 牧场物语:希望之光游戏介绍与pc资源的下载地址...
Harvest in Moon of The Memories Seeds Harvest rom Harvest in Moon boy and girl Harvest Dream Farm GBC Best farm simulation video game GBC Planting Fruit and participe in Fruit Matchs☘ How to play Moon dsThe character may be chosen as a boy or a girl. harvest new beginning and ending ...
推荐牧场物语:记忆的种子 Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories的豆列 >返回 牧场物语:记忆的种子 Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories 类别:游戏 / 模拟
应用平台:Android 游戏官网:暂无 ITMOP本地下载 0%(0)差评0%(0) IT猫扑网为您带来的牧场物语记忆之种无限金币版是一款牧场经营手游,种菜、挖掘、做饭、养殖等待,一切的经典牧场元素都能在这里找到,回味童年的乐趣.感兴趣的朋友快来下载吧. 牧场物语记忆之种破解版介绍: ...