Harvest Christian Academy is a private school located in Elgin, IL. The student population of Harvest Christian Academy is 444. The school’s minority student enrollment is 20.9% and the student-teacher ratio is 12:1. Tuition & Financial Aid $11,125 Yearly Tuition* Fees* $50 Financial Aid ...
5. Conclusions Apples harvested at the 6th picking date showed the best storage capabilities, which was indicated by the smallest decrease in firmness. This picking date was predicted as optimal both by means of Streif Index and BA analysis. The optimum harvest window was indicated by BA ...
SMARTChip [136] is a POCT device for stroke diagnosis that can be used by a paramedic, which will allow faster identification of stroke victims at the point of injury, and facilitate rapid coordination of the clinical treatment pathway to maximize the chances of the best possible patient ...
Shallow Lake Jinge Zhu 1, Zhaoliang Peng 1, Xin Liu 1,2, Jiancai Deng 1, Yihui Zhang 1 and Weiping Hu 1,* 1 State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; jgzhu@niglas.ac.cn (J....