Harvard University 学校官网 U.S. NEWS综排:3区域分类:Urban学校类型:大学 私立混合 学生数量:21613研究生数量:14373国际生数量:5261(占比25.80%) 哈佛大学(Harvard University)是美国著名的八所常春藤大学之一,也非常受美国大学申请者们欢迎,从每年的申请人数以及超低的录取率就能看出来。这里走出了8位美国总统,151...
Harvard University harvard.edu U.S.NEWS综排:2 617-495-1000 建校性质:私立 无宗教 大名鼎鼎妇孺皆知的哈佛就不需要多介绍了,每年录取的中国学生和Princeton一样也是屈指可数。尽管从科研实力上来讲,很多第一梯队的学校并不输于哈佛,但哈佛仍然是万千学生和家长心中的The One。Master大部分项目非常competitive,但也...
School codes: GRE/TOEFL:3454 GMAT:HRL-27-69 Applicants must request that ETS send an official score report to the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences using code 3451. 申请要求 学术入学资格 • 成绩单上传到应用程序 • 推荐信 • 目的声明 • GRE成绩(天文系申请者不需要...
A minimum score of 80 is required on the TOEFL and must be from no earlier than January 5, 2022. Applicants to SEAS may opt to take theThe International English Language Testing System (IELTS)instead of the TOEFL. Results should be sent to Harvard University, Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Gra...
The TOEFL is not required for Harvard. But if you are taking it for another college, we certainly know how to interpret the score you receive and it can be one more piece of helpful information about your English abilities, so feel free to submit it to us if English is not your first...
Harvard University 建校时间:1636年 地理位置:马萨诸塞州-剑桥 学校类型:公立研究型大学 主要奖项:158位获得诺贝尔奖,18位获得菲尔兹奖,14位获得图灵奖 学校简介 哈佛大学最早由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关创建,后为了纪念在成立初期给予学院慷慨支持的约翰·...
4.- Have your TOEFL Scores Sent to the GSD International Students Only TOEFL scores are required for all international students. Scores are valid for 2 years. When requesting that scores be sent to Harvard University, use the institution code for the Graduate School of Design: 3455. Read our...
aAfter one year of hard study , your classmate Tim has got a very high grade in SAT and passed TOEFL . Recently ,he received the admission notice from Harvard University . 在一年坚硬研究以后,您的同学Tim有一非常高等级在SAT和通过的TOEFL。 最近,他从哈佛大学接受了入场通知。 [translate] ...
Aiming for the world-renowned Harvard University? As part of the application to this prestigious Ivy League school,you'll be required to submit responses to five short answer questions. This is actually a big change! In years past, Harvard offered an optional supplemental essay opportunity that ...
Latest updates of Harvard-Westlake School about 2024 reviews, tuition, requirements, rankings. Accompanied by realistic 360 virtual tour & lots of valuable information.