Bacow was the Hauser Leader-in-Residence at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Center for Public Leadership and served as a member of the Harvard Corporation, the university’s principal governing board. One of the most widely expe...
例如,商学院、法学院等是典型的职业学院;Harvard Graduate School of Education则是教育学领域的研究生院,中文多称“哈佛大学教育学院”,也有“哈佛教育研究生院”或“哈佛研究生教育学院”这样的说法。 Harvard College是哈佛大学提供本科项目的学术单位,叫作“哈佛学院”,授予的学位巨大多数都称B.A. (Bachelor of ...
材料: 哈佛的材料科学和机械工程博士项目申请是通过哈佛理学研究生院进行(GSAS,Graudate School of Art and Science)。申请费用是105$, 在完成了申请表格后,需要提交三份推荐信,个人陈述,成绩单,GRE和托福的分数。该项目没有面试环节,但是举办信息交流会,回答申请者的问题。在该项目的网页上表明不要求 GRE sub 考...
哈佛工程与应用科学院(Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences) 哈佛拉德克利夫高等研究学院(Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study) 哈佛文理博物馆(Harvard Art and Science Museums) 哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School) 哈佛牙医学院(Harvard Dental School) 哈佛医学院(Harvard ...
哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院(Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) 全校总共设有57个本科专业、132个研究生专业。本科主修专业有: African and African American Studies B.A. Anthropology B.A. Applied Math B.A. Art, Film, and Visual Studies B.A. ...
of Art and Architecture, History of Science, Human Evolutionary Biology, Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medieval Studies, Microbial Sciences Initiative, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Music, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Physics, Psychology, Romance Languages and ...
这个Liberal Arts Education部分说明学生有8个核心领域,在这个8个领域里面可以随心的选课。哈佛有主修和辅修专业,专业分四类:艺术和人文科学、科学、社会科学、工程与应用科学,总共有60多个专业。毕业拿的证书全部都是Bachelor of Art and Science不管学的什么专业,学位都是一样的。
The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Conversations with visionary scholars and thinkers from the Harvard PhD community. BornCurious Harvard Radcliffe Institute Scholars, students, artists, and doers converse about current affairs, scientific breakthroughs, cutting-edge research...
The Centennial Medal acknowledges alumni who have made outstanding contributions to society, the roots of which are based in their graduate education. The Centennial Medal was first awarded in 1989 on the 100th anniversary of the School’s founding. It is the highest hono...
university's scope. Explosive growth in the student population continued with the addition of new graduate schools and the expansion of the undergraduate program. Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the ...