What you would want your future college roommate to know about you An intellectual experience (course, project, book, discussion, paper, poetry, or research topic in engineering, mathematics, science or other modes of inquiry) that has meant the most to you How you hope to use your college ...
Pears, R & Shields, G. (2006) Cite Them Right: The Essential Guide to Referencing and Plagiarism. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Northumbria University Press. Acts of Parliament (UK Statutes) Format: Country. Name of Act: Name of Sovereign. Chapter Number – in italics or underlined. (Year of Public...
felt they needed a press of their own even though the university has three publishing houses— Harvard University Press, Harvard Business Review Press, and Harvard Education Press. So they formed Harvard
关于哈佛东亚专著丛书(Harvard East Asian Monograph Series),之前专门写过一篇日志,在这里再贴一下,方便大家查找。丛书的第一部著作是梁方仲(Liang Fang-chung)《一条鞭法》(The Single-Whip Method of Taxation in China)的英译本,于1956年出版。丛书目前仍在出版,收录著作已排到#383号,其中#1—#371已出版,#3...