OBJECTIVES By the end of this lecture you should be able to Identify information used in referencing. Carry out intext referencing using Harvard style Draw up a typical reference list (endtext) using Harvard. Definition A system which allows academics to acknowledge sources used in coming up with...
This referencing system isused in a variety of subjects due to its convenience, but most commonly, it’s required in social sciences as well as humanities. Business disciplines also use it often, and if you’re a student in one of these areas, you’re likely to become familiar with Harva...
Accurate referencing helps you to avoid this. In-text references 1. When to reference Every time you include someone else's words, ideas or information in your assignment, an intext reference must be provided. Insert an in-text reference whenever you: 42 Guideline for Dissertation/ Project ?
1.1 What is referencing Why do I need to provide references in my work? To show anyone who reads your work that you understand the topic and can demonstrate your own thoughts on this. To demonstrate that you have read widely and deeply. To enable the reader to locate where you obtained ...
When using lecture notes provided by the professor,Harvard referencing generatorwon’t be able to help. If you’re providing a paper for an audience who’s not your professor, include them in Appendix. Lecturer, L. L., Year of Publication. Notes’ title,module number-title. Location, status...