1. Harvardin-text citation文内引用 1.1 Common rules In-text citation也就是常说的文内引用,需要用括号括起来,出现在文中你引用了的内容附近。括号里需要包括作者的姓氏和出版年份,以及参考文章的页码或范围(如果适用)。 例子: Referencing is an essential academic skill (Pears and Shields, 2019). The nov...
Note:Placeaquotation(directcitation)of30ormorewordsinyourworkasafreestandingblock.Thesequotesareusuallyindentede.g.5spacesandareinasmallerfonte.g.1pointsizesmallerthanthesurroundingtext.Donotenclosethequoteinquotationmarks.UniversityofTasmaniaHarvardReferencing 3.Referencelists Hatch,JA2002,Doingqualitativeresearchin...
当文本中提到作者的姓名时(e.g. Kneller in the example above),只有文献的出版年限和页码会出现在文本的页码中( add year and page numbers only to the in-text reference)。此外当作者相同时,文献出版的年限会加上a,b,c等做区分。(Entries that have the same author and year are noted b...
Harvard Style ReferencingAuthor, SingleExample, IntextExample, Reference ListBeazley, MitchellPress, DominionAuthor, NoAuthor, SameQueensland, CentralQueensland, Central
Harvard格式In-Text Reference写作规范 Harvard格式是我们留学生论文写作最常见的格式,尤其是在英国。Harvard格式由两部分组成:文中文献出处(in-text referencing)和文后参考文献目录(reference list),今天菁寰教育小编就先给大家整理一下in-text referencing的写作范方法,后续会在另外开文为大家讲述reference list的写作...
Third, if you are citing multiple articles from the same newspaper that were published in the same year, you can differentiate between them by adding letters after the publication year in the in-text reference. For example, in-text references for three articles of the same year by the same ...
Harvard Referencing 及 中文的文献引用.ppt,University of Tasmania Harvard Referencing 1. In-text Example(indirect citation): The point made by an analytic philosopher (OConnor 1969, p. 32) is that values cannot be justified in this way. Or The values cann
In-text citation structure and example: (1stAuthor Surnameet al.,Publication Year) (Akmajianet al., 2014) Reference structure and example: 1stAuthor Surname, Initials.et al.(Publication Year)Title of the text in italics.Place of Publication: Publisher. ...
Bibliography Example: Wagner, S A. (2004). Color Atlas of the Autopsy. Boca Raton: CRC Press The Times Concise Atlas of the World. (2000). 8th Ed. London: Times Books In-text Example: (Wagner, 2004) As can be seen in The Times Concise Atlas of the World (2000) ...
在前面的文章《Harvard格式In-Text Reference写作规范》当中我们给各位同学整理了Harvard格式留学论文写作中In-Text Reference写作规范,紧接上文,本文菁寰教育小编继续为大家分享Harvard格式论文结尾reference list的写作方法。 写作原则:简单明了,便于其他人找到原文 ...