Marketing(特别适用于本科是Marketing专业的学生) 从事与Business Analytics相关的工作 Education(特别适用于本科是教育或心理学专业的学生) 从事与Online Education 有关的工作 其它传统工程行业(汽车,机械,医疗器械,航空航天) 最好本科阶段...
另外,除了较为常见的Stat&DS项目以外,还会有一些项目聚焦于某一个数据科学的子领域或应用场景。比如我们之前提到的Princeton Mfin以及MIT的business analytics,还有Harvard Chan School的MS in Bioinformatics,Stanford的ICME(Institute of Computational & Mathematical Engineering)项目和医学院的Biomedical Data Science项...
The Business School at Harvard University offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, consulting, e-commerce, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, finance, general management, health care administration, human resources management, international business, leadership, manufacturing ...
For the past several years, Red Hat has sponsored aHarvard Business Review Analytics Services reportthat explores how digital transformation has evolved, the main challenges companies are experiencing today, what leading organizations are doing differently, and what steps that businesses ...
–Learn all the essential concepts and objectives of the business that can help you attain a higher position in the industry –Know about marketing analytics, predictive analytics of business, and digital marketing –Get one-on-one instructor with every course who will help you understand the cour...
Overview Rankings Business Law Medicine Engineering Education Health Public Affairs More Unlock Grad Compass Harvard University's Graduate School Rankings #6in Best Business Schools in Accounting #12in Business Analytics #5in Entrepreneurship #7in Finance #3in International (tie) #1in Management #8in ...
中国人民大学能源经济学专业本科,GPA 3.29,托福105,GRE 330 。申请季中斩获宾大、JHU、RICE、tufts(奖学金10500刀)、UIUC等名校offer。 郑学姐 中国人民大学会计学16级在读,三维3.67/107/325,申请季中斩获USC MS Analytics,RPI- M.S. in Business Analytics录取。
Harvard Business Review Analytics Services就社会化媒体的影响力发布研究报告 波士顿--(美国商业资讯)--虽然越来越多的公司纷纷尝试以社会化媒体作为与客户进行交流的全新方式,但只有为数不多的人认为有相应的衡量标准和工具来评价这种手段的影响力。 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services最近与SAS合作,对2100家...
【中商原版】Strategic Analytics : The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review 英文原版 战略分析:你需要从《哈佛商业评论 分享服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 货源地;发货地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) 包装很好(8) 很...
Data analytics offer the opportunity to predict the future, use advanced technologies, and gain valuable insights about your business. But unless you're staying on top of the latest developments, your company is wasting that potential--and your competitors will be gaining speed while you fall behi...