Your Harvard Degree Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Extension Studies, field: Management 通过管理领域的硕士学位,您: 学习管理的核心要素,包括会计、组织行为学、经济理论、财务、市场营销和战略。 深入了解领导力、企业责任、数字营销和商业沟通,包括调解和谈判。 通过案例研究、小组项目和积极的学习经验,深入了...
Master of Liberal Arts in Literature and Creative Writing 基本信息 学分 12 项目时长 1 学费估算 $33,000 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 3451 申请截止日期 秋季 申请信息 项目官网查看该项目详情 Master's in Digital Media Design 教育学院 Harvard Graduate School of Education ...
Harvard College (HC)成立于1636年,是美国有史以来最早的高等教育机构。HC只提供四年制的本科阶段文科...
On the website, he is described as holding a Master of Liberal Arts degree from Harvard, without mentioning that the degree is from HES, the only school at Harvard which issues Master of Liberal Arts degrees. HES has programs granting master’s and bachelor’s degrees and a range of certif...
每一个House都有一个House Master就是我们的住宿管理员。而且我们每一层都有一个辅导员,一般都是研究...
哈佛工商管理硕士学位(Master of Business Administration)是权力与金钱的象征,也是许多美国青年梦寐以求的学位。 哈佛大学设计学院(Harvard Graduate School of Design,简称GSD):哈佛大学的建筑教育始于19世纪末期,其设计学院(又名设计研究生院,以下简称GSD)融建筑、规划、景观于一体,是世界上最负盛名的设计院所之一。
The Extension School grants Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies and Master of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies degrees. Lambert said that these degree names are inaccurate and that he has previously spoken to the Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest governing body, about the ...
harvard college和harvard university的区别为:一、指代不同 1、harvard college:哈佛学院。2、harvard university:美国哈佛大学。二、侧重点不同 1、harvard college:Harvard College是本科也就是undergraduate,就是列属于Harvard University下面的,也就是所属关系。2、harvard university:Harvard University...
Learn these basic techniques to master each section of the Law School Admission Test, or LSAT. Gabriel KurisDec. 16, 2024 6 Steps After Admission to Grad School These tips from experts will ease the transition and help you hit the ground running. Torrence BanksDec. 12, 2024 Choose the Righ...