主办单位: Harvard International Review 出版地区: United States 出版周期: 季刊国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 0739-1854 创刊时间: 1979年 收录汇总 栏目浏览 期刊详情 收录汇总 期刊详情 全息分析 vol.43 (2022) vol.43 (2022) vol.42 (2021) vol.42 (2021) vol.41 (2020) vol.41 (2020) ...
Harvard International Review 期刊的CiteScore详情 期刊全称 Harvard International Review 0.2 CiteScore 91 过去四年文献总数 15 过去四年引用总数 12 % 被引用比率 Print ISSN 0739-1854 出版社 Harvard International Relations Council Scopus链接 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/25227 开放出版 Open Ac...
《哈佛国际评论》(Harvard International Review,简称 HIR)是国际问题 研究领域的核心学术周刊,每期发行量超过 10 万,供稿人包括哈佛学子与教授 以及哈佛校外的专家教授、政策制定者、国际问题专家。43 位国家元首、4 位联 合国秘书长、11 位诺贝尔奖得主曾为《哈佛国际评论》提供见解与评论 2.为人类共同命运发声 13...
The Harvard International Review categorizes articles by geographical regions and topics such as Agriculture, Business, Cybersecurity, and Public Health, each providing an in-depth overview. For instance, the ‘Human Rights’ section includes articles like“The Limitations of Humanity: Differential Refuge...
在竞争愈演愈烈的大环境下,极昼教育作为一家“小而美”、且每位顾问每届只专注于5名学生的教育机构,今年由蔡博士Troy带领和辅导的3位学生全员斩获了约翰洛克写作竞赛神学类(John Locke Institute Theology Category)的Distinction奖项1枚、哈佛国际评论赛Ha...
网络哈佛国际评论;哈佛国际评论期刊 网络释义
Harvard Business Review’s worldwide English-language circulation is 250,000. HBR licenses its content for publication in nine international editions. 下载Download: drive.google.com/drive/ 链接: pan.baidu.com/s/1nYkAFT 提取码: 23mk 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 Harvard Business...
After September 11. (Harvard International Review)Zada Lipmann, A Dirty Dilemma. The Hazardous Waste Trade (2002) 23(4) Harvard International Review 67.
Journal Title:Harvard Business Review HBR covers a wide range of topics, including strategy, leadership, organizational change, negotiations,nbsp;operations, innovation, decision making, marketing, finance, work-life balance, and managing teams.Magazines are renowned for their in-depth research and rigor...
Harvard University Dining Services announced on Tuesday that it will roll out an array of updates to meal offerings for the spring semester, including new lunch options and international-themed brunches and dinners. HUDS Harvard Students and Dining Hall Workers Call for Hot Breakfast Expansion to ...